Wife of Cain Gen 4:17
Daughters of Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah Gen 5:4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 26
Daughters of Lamech Gen 5:30
Daughters of Men, Wives of the Sons of God Gen 6:1-4
Wife of Noah Gen 6:18; 7:7,13; 8:16,18
Wives of Noah's Sons Gen 6:18; 7:7, 13; 8:16, 18
Daughters of Shem, Arpachshad, Shelah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, and Nahor Gen 11:10-11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25
Daughters of Lot Gen 19:8, 12, 14-17, 30-38
Lot and His Daughters’ Motives for Their Incestuous Union by Shayna Sheinfeld
“Lot Sexually Manipulates His Two Daughters” by Prof. Rev. Wil Gafney
Wife of Lot Gen 19:15-16, 26
“Lot’s Wife Turns as an Act of Resistance: The Art of Yehuda Levy-Aldema” by Prof. Susanne Scholz
"Why was Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt and not, let’s say, of pepper?” by Daniel Esparza
*Also mentioned in the Apocrypha (see Apocryphal Women)
Wife and Slaves of Abimelech Gen 20:17
Daughters of the Canaanites Gen 24:3
Daughters of the Inhabitants of the Land as Marriage Partners Gen 24:3; 27:46; 28:1, 6, 8
“From the Bible to the Talmud: The Prohibition of Intermarriage” by Shaye J.D. Cohen
“The Captive Woman at the Intersection of War and Family Laws” by Dr. Rabbi David Resnick
“Weddings and Marriage Traditions in Ancient Israel” by Tracy M. Lemos
Women Drawing Water Gen 24:11, 13
Mother of Rebekah Gen 24:53-60
Rebekah's Nurse Gen 24:59
Maids of Rebekah Gen 24:61
Concubines of Abraham Gen 25:6
Hittite Women Gen 27:46
Daughters of Laban Gen 28:2
Female Slaves of Jacob Gen 30:43, 32:5
Daughters of Laban to be Jacob's Only Wives Gen 31:50
“Bride-Price: The Story of Jacob’s Marriage to Rachel and Leah” by Dr. Kristine Henriksen Garroway
“How Is It Possible Jacob Mistakes Leah for Rachel?” by Dr. Rabbi Zev Farber
Daughters/Women of the Region; Daughters of the Jacob Group Gen 34:1, 9, 16, 21, 29
Midwife Gen 35:17, 38:28
“Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Hebrew Bible” by Claudia D. Bergmann
Midwives in HIstory and Society by Jean Towler and Joan Bramall (1986)
Daughters of Esau Gen 36:6
Daughters of Jacob Gen 37:35
Prostitute Gen 38:15-22
Temple Prostitute Gen 38:21
Wife of Potiphar Gen 39
“Joseph in Custody: Enslaved or Imprisoned” by Dr. Rabbi Zev Farber
"Potiphar and His Wife Desire Joseph" by Prof. Rabbi Rachel Adelman
Daughters and Granddaughters of Jacob Gen 46:7, 15
Canaanite Mother of Shaul Gen 46:10
Hebrew Female Babies in Egypt Exod 1:16, 22
Hebrew Women in Egypt Exod 1:19; 2:7
“Hebrew Women in Egypt: Midrash and Aggadah” by Tamar Kadari
“Women are the First Liberators in the Exodus Story” by Karen Gonzalez
Attendants of the Daughter of Pharoah Exod 2:5
Seven Daughters of the Priest of Midian Exod 2:16-20
Daughters of Israelites in Egypt Exod 3:22
Women with Jewelry and Clothing Exod 3:22; 11:2; 32:2-3; 35:22-24, 29; 36:2-7
Egyptian Women Exod 3:22; 11:2; 32:2-3; 35:22-24, 29; 36:2-7
Canaanite Mother of Shaul Exod 6:15
Daughter of Putiel Exod 6:25
Female Slaves of Egypt Exod 11:5
Woman (Women) not to be Approached at Sinai Exod 19:15
Women in the Decalogue Exod 20:8, 10, 12
Wife of a Hebrew Slave Exod 21:3-5
Daughters of a Hebrew Slave Exod 21:4-5
Mother Cursed or Struck by Offspring Exod 21:15, 17
Woman Caused to Miscarry Exod 21:22-23
“Abortion and Miscarriage in the Ancient Near East” by Kristine Henriksen Garroway
“How Exodus Revises the Laws of Hammurabi” by Prof. David P. Wright
Virgin Exod 22:16-17
Female Sorcerer Exod 22:18
Widows Exod 22:22, 24
“Weddings and Marriage Traditions in Ancient Israel” by Tracy M. Lemos
"You Shall Not Ill-Treat Any Widow or Orphan: A Moral Value Made Law" by Prof. Rabbi Marty Lockshin
Barren Woman Exod 23:26
Daughters of the Canaanites Exod 34:16
Daughters of the Inhabitants of the Land as Marriage Partners Exod 34:16
“From the Bible to the Talmud: The Prohibition of Intermarriage” by Shaye J.D. Cohen
“The Captive Woman at the Intersection of War and Family Laws” by Dr. Rabbi David Resnick
“Weddings and Marriage Traditions in Ancient Israel” by Tracy M. Lemos
Skilled Women Exod 35:25-26; 36:6
Women at the Entrance to the Tent of Meeting Exod 38:8
Person (female or male) presenting an offering Lev 2:1; Lev 4:2, 27; 5:1-2, 4, 15, 17, 6:2; 7:25, 27; 23:20-30b
Daughters of a Priest Lev 10:14-15; 22:12-13
“Purity of Priests: Contamination Through Marriage” by Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein
“Why Are There No Israelite Priestesses?” by Prof. Ada Taggar-Cohen
Women After Childbirth Lev 12:1-8
Blemished Women Lev 13:29, 38
Women and Bodily Emissions Lev 15:18-33; 18:19; 20:18
“Niddah (Menstruation): From Torah to Rabbinic Law” by Prof. Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
“Sex During Menstruation: From Impurity to Prohibition” by Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein
Menstruating Women Lev 15:18-33; 18:19; 20:18
Women in Incest Regulations Lev 18:7-18, 20; 20:11-14, 17, 19-21
“Weddings and Marriage Traditions in Ancient Israel” by Tracy M. Lemos
“Why the Torah Prohibits Incest” by Prof. Rabbi Marty Lockshin
“Does the Torah Prohibit Father-Daughter Incest?” by Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein
Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo by Mary Douglas (1966)
Women as Legitimate Sexual Partners for Men; Women Prohibited from Practicing Bestiality Lev 18:22, 23; 20:16
“Sexual Prohibitions in the Bible and the ANE: A Comparison” by Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein
Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo by Mary Douglas (1966)
Women in the Decalogue Lev 19:3
Mother to be Revered Lev 19:3
Prostitute Lev 19:29; 21:7-9, 14; Deut 23:18; Mic 1:7
Mother Cursed or Struck by Offspring Lev 20:9
Adultress Lev 20:10
Medium/Wizard Lev 20:27
“The Practice of Divination in the Ancient Near East” by Dr. Uri Gabbay
“Ancient Israelite Divination: Urim ve-Tummim, Ephod, and Prophecy” by Dr.Jonathan Stökl
Women Whom a Priest Can and Cannot Bury Lev 21:1-3, 11
Women Whom a Priest Can and Cannot Marry Lev 21:7-8, 13-14
Women as Bread Bakers Lev 26:26
Mother Cannibalizing Their Daughters Lev 26:29
Female Valuations in Votary Pledges Lev 27:2-8
Blemished Women Num 5:2-4
Woman Who Wrongs Another Num 5:6
Person (female or male) presenting an offering Num 5:6; 15:27, 30; 19:22; 31:19, 28; 35:11, 15, 30b
Woman Accused of Unfaithfulness Num 5:11-31
“Legal-Religious Status of the Suspected Adulteress (Sotah)” by Tirzah Meacham (leBeit Yoreh)
“Shaming Women Suspected of Adultery - What About Men?” by Prof. Ishay Rosen-Zvi
Nazirite Woman Num 6:2-21
Mother or Sister of a Nazirite Num 6:7
Nurse Num 11:12
Cushite Woman, Wife of Moses Num 12:1
Wives (and children) as Booty Num 14:3
Wives of Dathan and Abiram Num 16:27-33
Daughters of Aaron Num 18:11, 19
“Purity of Priests: Contamination Through Marriage” by Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein
“Why Are There No Israelite Priestesses?” by Prof. Ada Taggar-Cohen
Daughters of Moab Num 21:29
Moabite Women Num 25:1
Woman Making a Vow Num 30:3-15
Midianite Women Num 31:9, 15-18, 35
Women in Towns of the Amorite Kings Sihon and Og Deut 2:34; 3:6
Israelite Wives Deut 3:19
Women in the Decalogue Deut 5:14, 16, 18
Daughters of the Inhabitants of the Land as Marriage Partners Deut 7:3
“From the Bible to the Talmud: The Prohibition of Intermarriage” by Shaye J.D. Cohen
“The Captive Woman at the Intersection of War and Family Laws” by Dr. Rabbi David Resnick
“Weddings and Marriage Traditions in Ancient Israel” by Tracy M. Lemos
Sterile Female Deut 7:14
Daughters and Female Slaves, Rejoicing Deut 12:12; 16:11, 14
Daughter Passed Through Fire, Burned, or Sacrificed Deut 12:31; 18:10
“Biblical and Greek Ambivalence Towards Child Sacrifice” by Dr. Rabbi Samuel Z. Glaser
The Role of Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East by Alberto R. W. Green (1975)
Women (Daughter, Wife) Who Lead a Person to Idolatry Deut 13:6
Women Who Break the Covenant Deut 17:2-5; 29:18
“The Polemic Against Idolatry in the Old Testament” by Robert H. Pfeiffer
“Stoning the Idolater: The Significance of Proper Procedure” Prof. Shalom E. Holtz
Wives of the King Deut 17:17
Fiancée/Wife of a Soldier Deut 20:7; 24:5
“Deuteronomy” (pp.52-62) by Tikva Frymer-Kensky in The Women’s Bible Commentary, edited by Carol A. Newsom and Sharon H. Ringe (1992)
Women in Distant Towns as Booty Deut 20:14; 21:11-14
“The Captive Woman at the Intersection of War and Family Laws” by Dr. Rabbi David Resnick
War in the Hebrew Bible: A Study in the Ethics of Violence by Susan Niditch (1993)
Woman Being Divorced Deut 21:1-4
“When Is a Man Allowed to Divorce his Wife?” by Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein
“Divorce” (pp.217-219) by Robert W. Wall in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. 2 (1992)
Mother of Captive Women Deut 21:13
Two Wives and Their Offspring Deut 21:15-17
Mother Dealing with a Rebellious Son Deut 21:18-21
Women's Clothing Deut 22:5
Virgin Deut 22:13-21, 23-29; 28:30
Mother of a Slandered Bride Deut 22:15
Adultress Deut 22:22
Women in Incest Regulations Deut 22:30; 27:20, 22, 23
“Weddings and Marriage Traditions in Ancient Israel” by Tracy M. Lemos
“Why the Torah Prohibits Incest” by Prof. Rabbi Marty Lockshin
“Does the Torah Prohibit Father-Daughter Incest?” by Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein
Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo by Mary Douglas (1966)
Temple Prostitute Deut 23:17
Prostitute Deut 23:18
Wife in Levirate Marriage Deut 25:5-10
Woman who Mutilates a Man's Genitals Deut 25:11-12
Woman in Covenant Curses Deut 27:16, 19-20, 22-23; 28:30, 32, 41, 53-54, 68
Mother Cannibalizing Their Daughters Deut 28:53-57
Israelite Women in the Covenant Community Deut 29:11; 31:12
Daughters Spurned by God; Young Women Punished by God Deut 32:19, 25
Mother of Levi Deut 33:9