Wife of Uriah (Bathsheba) Mt 1:6
Women Looked at Lustfully Mt 5:28
Peter’s Mother-in-Law Mt 8:14
Daughters & Daughters-in-Law against Mothers & Mothers-in-Law Mt 10:35; Lk 12:53
Mothers & Daughters Not to be Loved More Than Jesus Mt 10:37; Lk 14:26
Queen of the South (Queen of Sheba) Mt 12:42; Lk 11:31
Sisters of Jesus Mt 12:50; 13:56; Mk 3:32-35, 6:3
Woman Mixing Flour with Leaven Mt 13:33, Lk 13:20-21
“The Parables of Jesus, with Amy-Jill Levine” on the MIPodcast
Sharing Her Word: Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Context by E. Schüssler Fiorenza (1998)
Young Dancer Who Asks for the Head of John the Baptist Mt 14:6-11 (See Also: Salome)
Women Fed by Jesus Mt 14:21
Mother (& Father) to be Honored Mt 15:4; Mt 19:19; Mk 10:19; Lk 18:20 (See also: Women (& Men) Slave Owners)
Canaanite Woman Mt 15:22 (*See also: Syrophoenician Woman)
“Jesus and the Canaanite Woman: An Exception for Exceptional Faith” by Deb Beatty Mel
“Sermon on Grace, Dogs, and Sass-Mouthed Women” by Nadia Bolz-Weber
Daughter of the Canaanite Woman Matthew 15:22
Wife (& Husband & Children) Sold to Pay Off Debt Mt 18:25
Mothers, Sisters, and Wives Left for the Sake of Jesus' Name Mt 19:29; Mk 10:29-30; Lk 18:29-30
Mother of the Sons of Zebedee Mt 20:20; 27:56
Prostitutes Mt 21:31-32; Lk 15:30
Women Pregnant or Nursing at the End of the Age Mt 24:19; Mk 13:17; Lk 21:23
Two Women Grinding Meal: Mt 24:41, Lk 17:35
Ten Bridesmaids (5 Foolish & 5 Wise): Mt 25:1-13
Wife of Pilate: Mt 27:19
"Pontius Pilate's Wife Knew Jesus Was Innocent" by Marg Mowczko
“Claudia, Wife of Pontius Pilate” (Ch. 16) in Hidden Women of the Gospels by Kathy Coffey (1996)
“Matthew’s Pilate” (Ch.5) in Pontius Pilate: Portraits of a Roman Governor by Warren Carter (2003)
Mother-in-Law of Simon: Mk 1:30, Lk 4:38
“Jesus is Tempted” in A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke by Loretta Dornisch (1996)
“Sermon on Jesus’ Dream Team: Rank Fishermen, Demoniacs, and Sick Old Ladies” by Nadia Bolz-Weber
Wife of Jairus: Mk 5:40
Daughter of the Syrophoenician Woman: Mk 7:25
Poor Widow Giving Two Coins: Mk 12:40-44; Lk 21:2
“The Widow's Mites: Praise or Lament?—A Matter of Context” by Addison G. Wright
“Women of the Gospels Series: The Widow’s Mite” by Laura Turner
Widow of Zarephath: Lk 4:25-6
“Jesus is Tempted” in A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke by Loretta Dornisch (1996)
“Unnamed Women: Significant Secondary Characters” by Robin Gallaher Branch
“Hermeneutics of Reversal: Widow of Zarephath” by Wilda C. Gafney
Widow of Nain: Lk 7:12
“Two More Cures” in A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke by Loretta Dornisch (1996)
“Raising the Widow’s Son at Nain” (pp.95-98) in Luke by Fred Craddock (1990)
“Women of the Gospels Series: The Widow of Nain” by Julie Clawson
Unnamed Women who Provide for the Jesus Movement: Lk 8:2-3
“Funding Jesus: Who Bankrolled Christ’s Ministry?” by Michael McKinley and David Gibson
“The Parables: Luke 8” in A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke by Loretta Dornisch (1996)
“Women Share in Jesus’ Ministry” (pp.106-107) in Luke by Fred Craddock (1990)
Woman who Praises the Womb & Breasts of Jesus’ Mother: Lk 11:27-8
“Demons, Evil, and Hypocrisy” in A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke by Loretta Dornisch (1996)
“Concerning the Search for Signs” (pp.157-158) in Luke by Fred Craddock (1990)
Woman Doubled Over for Eighteen Years: Lk 13:10-17
“Parables for the Community: Luke 13” in A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke by Loretta Dornisch (1996)
“Controversy Over a Sabbath Healing” (pp.169-170) in Luke by Fred Craddock (1990)
“Human Bodies and The Image of God: A Sermon on Shame and Healing” by Nadia Bolz-Weber
Woman Sweeping to Find a Lost Coin: Lk 15:8
“The Lost Coin, Luke 15:8-10” in The Parables of Jesus: A Commentary by Arland J. Hultgren
“In the Parables, God is Father, Shepherd, and also Woman” by Jeff Miller
Widow Pleading with a Judge: Lk 23:27-29
Women Lamenting Jesus: Lk 23:27-29
“Trial and Crucifixion: Luke 23” in A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke by Loretta Dornisch (1996)
“Luke 23:26-56: The Crucifixion of Jesus” in Luke by Fred Craddock (1990)
Unnamed Companion of Cleopas: Lk 24:13-25
Woman Caught in Adultery : John 7:53
"Anna, the Adulterous Woman" (Ch.8) in Hidden Women of the Gospels by Kathy Coffey (1996)
“The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)” by Jennifer Knust
“Shaming Women Suspected of Adultery - What About Men?” by Prof. Ishay Rosen-Zvi
"Adulterous Woman," pp. 72-78 of Hidden Women of the Gospels by Kathy Coffey (1996)
Mother of a Blind Son: Jn 9:2-3, 18-23
Woman in Labor Whose Hour Has Come: Jn 16:21
Sister of Jesus’ Mother: Jn 19:25